Andrea Marini
Area: 02 - Physics
Academic Recruitment Field: 02/B2 - Theoretical physics of matter
Academic Discipline: FIS/03 - Physics of matter

Room 1092 - Building "Renato Ricamo"

+39 0862 433047

+39 347 7757899

Personal homepage

Student reception:
Friday 15.00-18.00

The research background and expertise of Prof Marini extend over the theoretical modelling of miniaturized photonic devices, where novel physical mechanisms can be exploited to achieve active functionalities at micro and nano-scales. From 2008, Prof Marini has co-authored 55 papers in top-level international journals, one book chapter, and 35 conference abstracts/proceedings. In particular, Prof Marini has experience in the theoretical modelling of graphene plasmons, nonlinear dynamics in plasmonic waveguides and metamaterials, supercontinuum generation and dispersive waves in photonic crystal fibers.


Publications list
