Leonardo Guidoni



Full Professor - University of L'Aquila

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Applications to Molecular Simulations and Materials Science.

To aid the interpretation of experimental data the group of Prof. Guidoni applied complementary computational techniques, such as classical and ab-initio Molecular Dynamics, to several systems in Chemistry (molecular catalysts, metallo-organic complexes, molecular liquids), Biochemistry (enzymes and expression factors), Biophysics (photosynthetic protein complexes and photoreceptors) and Materials Science (catalysis at interfaces). The main research activity is currently in the field of natural and artificial photosynthesis with the aim to understand the light-capturing and catalytic strategies of the natural photosynthetic systems and of their synthetic analogues. 

Quantum Chemistry algorithms for Quantum Computation
Since 2018 I started a research activity in the field of application of Quantum Computing to problems in Quantum Chemistry. Currently one Master Student and two PhD students are involved, the latter have been recruited within the MIUR activity “Dottorati Innovativi con caratterizzazione industriali” in parternship with IBM-Italia and DataReply. An additional PhD student will join the group through the Innovative Training Network program “MOlecular Quantum Simulations” (www.moqs.eu). Collaborations have been established with the IBM research centre in Zurich.